EAC Committee

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Planning Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Parks Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

1st floor meeting room or on Zoom (link available on the website)

Zoning Hearing Board

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Historical Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Planning Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Parks Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

1st floor meeting room or on Zoom (link available on the website)

Historical Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Planning Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

Parks Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

1st floor meeting room or on Zoom (link available on the website)

Historical Meeting

Township Building 214 Sykes Lane, Wallingford, PA

HHW Event

Emergancy services training center 1600 Calcon Hook Rd, Sharon Hill, PA

ALL EVENTS WILL BE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY- REGISTRATION REQUIRED You must preregister for all events: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/delaware-county-solid-waste-authority-30675296434 Registration will be active 6 weeks prior to each event.

Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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