Leaves & Mulch

Leaf Mulch



The township leaf mulch program runs from the end of March  until June (or whenever the mulch runs out).  Orders are taken at the Township Building 214 Sykes Lane Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 5:00PM.  No orders will be taken over the phone.

Township Resident –    

$105.00/full truck load

$65.00/half truck load

Non- resident-

$130.00/ full truck load

$90.00/half truck

Full Truck load about 5-6 yards

Half truck load about 2-3 yards


Leaf Collection:

 The 2023 leaf pickup schedule is below. Please check the website closer to the fall as the schedule could change. Please have leaves out by 7 AM on the Monday morning of your collection week. Collection will take place during that week. Don’t know your ward? Click here:




 Please thank your Public Works Department employees who brave the cold, rain, and snow to collect leaves.

  • Please keep your leaves at the curb but NOT in the street. Leaves in the street can cause safety issues as cars will swerve around piles into oncoming traffic, the leaves can create slippery conditions, and the leaves will wash into the storm drains and create blockages.
  • Please do not bag the leaves. They are sucked up by a leaf vacuum, so the bagging is not necessary.
  • No other yard waste, besides leaves, should be included in the piles. This will cause problems for the machines. The non-leaf yard waste is mulched at the Township’s leaf-site, whereas the yard waste is taken off-site. For that reason, yard waste and leaves cannot be co-mingled.
  • Please do not park vehicles in front of the leaf piles as the workers will be unable to collect them. They will not be able to return until the following week to collect them if something is blocking the pile.

At other times of the year, the Township will pick up bagged leaves the second Tuesday of the month, upon request.  The Township will also pick up bundled small twigs and brush.  Must be bundled in 2′ sections.  You must call the township building to schedule a pick up.

Yard Waste Removal

Yard Waste Information | Sun Prairie, WI - Official Website

Yard Waste (except grass clippings and weeds), leaves in biodegradable bags (NO PLASTIC BAGS) and bundled sticks will be collected by the Township Public Works Department the second Tuesday of each month. You MUST call the Township in order to get on the list to have your yard waste picked up. Simply call 610-566-4516 Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM and provide your address.

Drop-offs will be permitted from 8 AM to noon on the first Saturday of the month from 8 AM to noon each month at the Township public works garage located at 5 W. Brookhaven Road, Wallingford.

  • Limbs and branches must not be greater than 3-4″ in diameter and no longer than 4′. They should be bundled together with twine.
  • All items must be placed at the edge of your property, curbside. The employees cannot come onto your property to pick up the items.
  • If you choose to bag items, they must be in biodegradable bags.
  • Logs, stumps, and branches larger than the parameters above WILL NOT be collected. You’ll have to arrange for a tree company or your trash hauler to take those items.

To schedule a pick up, please contact the Township Municipal office at 610.566.4516 by the Monday prior to the scheduled Tuesday pick-up.


Christmas Tree Pick Up

Yard waste pick-up: All brush and sticks must be bundled to meet the regulations of our disposal site.
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