Voting Information

Nether Providence Township is divided into seven wards, each with two precincts.  Voting locations have been established for each precinct, and these voting locations are listed below.  You can determine which ward you live in by clicking on the township map below.  To find our your precinct, please call the Delaware County Bureau of Elections at (610) 891-4659.
Click here to view a map of the township. (Will open a new window.) The County provides an interactive website for polling: Interactive link to County

FIND MY POLLING LOCATION: Link to polling place finder

For more information on the Election please visit

Voting Locations

Ward/Precinct: Name: Address:
1st Ward, Precinct 1 Strath Haven Middle School 200 South Providence Road
1st Ward, Precinct 2 Strath Haven Middle School 200 South Providence Road
2nd Ward, Precinct 1 Strath Haven Middle School 200 South Providence Road
2nd Ward, Precinct 2 Strath Haven Middle School 200 South Providence Road
3rd Ward, Precinct 1 Wallingford Elementary School 20 S Providence Road
3rd Ward, Precinct 2 Wallingford Elementary School 20 S Providence Road
4th Ward, Precinct 1 Strath Haven High School Cafeteria (lower lot)
114 Brookhaven Rd (Allencrest Ln)
4th Ward, Precinct 2 Strath Haven High School Cafeteria (lower lot)
114 Brookhaven Rd (Allencrest Ln)
5th Ward, Precinct 1 Garden City Fire Co 1 412 Moore Road
5th Ward, Precinct 2 Garden City Fire Co 1 412 Moore Road
6th Ward, Precinct 1 Nether Providence Elementary School 410 Moore Road
6th Ward, Precinct 2 Nether Providence Elementary School 410 Moore Road
7th Ward, Precinct 1 Nether Providence Elementary School 410 Moore Road
7th Ward, Precinct 2 Nether Providence Elementary School 410 Moore Road

Wallingford-Swarthmore School District Voting Regions

Region 1 – Nether Providence Wards 2, 3, 4, 6-1 and 7-1
Region 2 – Wards 1, 5, 6-2, 7-2 and Rose Valley
Region 3 – Swarthmore and Rutledge

Voter Registration Issues

Closed Primary: Individuals must be registered and entrolled with the Democratic Party or the Republican Party to vote in that party’s primary.

Voter Registration: Individuals applying to register to vote must be:

  • A citizen of the United States for at least one month before the primary.
  • A resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which the individual desires to register and vote for at least thirty (30) days before the next primary.
  • At least eighteen (18) years of age on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
  • Student Voting: There are no special requirements for college students voting in Pennsylvania.
    • They may choose to register to vote using either their School Residence or their Home Residence.
    • NOTE: Students may be eligible to vote in Pennsylvania even if they are classified as being “out of state” by their college or university.
  • Felony Voting: If otherwise qualified, the following individuals may register and vote:
    • Pretrial Detainees (individuals who are confined in a penal institution awaiting trial on charges of a felony or a misdemeanor).
    • Convicted Misdemeanants (individuals who are confined in a penal institution for conviction of a misdemeanor only).
    • Individuals who have been released (or will be released by the date of the next election) from a correctional facility or halfway house upon completion of their term of incarceration for conviction of a misdemeanor or a felony.
    • Individuals who are on probation or released on parole, including parolees who are living in a halfway house.
    • Individuals who are under house arrest (home confinement), regardless of their conviction status or the status of their conditions of confinement.

Alternative Ballot:

  • Any registered elector who has a disability, or who is 65 years of age or older irrespective of disability, and who has been assigned to vote at a polling place that has been officially designated as “inaccessible” by the county board of elections, has the right to vote through an Alternative Ballot.
  • A voter who is qualified to vote by Alternative Ballot has the right to do so irrespective of whether the voter is in fact able to appear to vote at the polling place.  The purpose of the Alternative Ballot is to offer a qualified voter who has been assigned to an inaccessible polling place an alternative measn to vote without having to appear at the inaccessible polling place or to qualify to vote by Absentee Ballot.
  • An Alternative Ballot is a paper ballot for which a qualified voter must apply to the county board of elections at least seven days before Election Day.  If approved, a voter may complete his/her Alternative Ballot at any time before the close of the polls on Election Day.  However, the county board of elections must receive the completed Alternative Ballot no later than 8:00 PM on Election Day.  However, an application for an Emergency Alternative Ballot may be submitted until 8:00 PM on Election Day.

The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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