Fire Marshal and Fire Department Information

Nether Providence Township Fire Companies 

South Media Fire Co. No. 1                                            Garden City Fire Co. No. 1


The two main missions of fire service personnel in Nether Providence Township are Suppression and Prevention.

Operating under the Suppression mission are the township’s two all-volunteer fire companies – South Media Fire Co. No. 1 (founded in 1922) and Garden City Fire Co. No. 1 (founded in 1944). Nearly 100 men and women from all walks of life participate in these two active companies.  Together, the two fire companies are often referred to as the Nether Township Fire Department.

Garden City Fire Company currently is led by Chief Pat O’Rourke, while Max Hopkins serves as Chief of South Media Fire Company. Roughly half of the township is covered by each company’s respective fire district.

Both companies have engines (pumpers), utility vehicles, and command vehicles.  Garden City operates the township’s ladder truck, while South Media has a heavy rescue truck used in motor vehicle accidents.

One member of the township’s Board of Commissioners serves as Fire Commissioner and is the liaison between the volunteers and the township government. Nether Providence Township contributes tax dollars to support  the two companies.  An annual fund drive also provides revenues, with monies raised shared by the two companies.  Both companies also make use of various state and federal grants.

Garden City and South Media also share revenue from Rose Valley Borough as both fire companies provide fire service to that community.

The Fire Marshal’s Office is the arm of the fire service charged with fire prevention as well as education, inspections and investigations. The office also is headquarters for the township’s  Emergency Management Agency.

Jack Gresch is the current fire marshal.  He has a deputy who assist him in investigations and inspections and an assistant who works on grants and fire prevention.

Thanks to two recent federal grants, the township’s award-winning fire prevention and education program has been greatly enhanced. “Hazard House,” a table top model, is being used to teach children and adults about good fire safety practices. A Sparky the Fire Dog suit also has been purchased for use with children’s groups. Video materials and smoke detectors also are available to the public.

The township has a small contingent of fire police officers who assist in traffic control as well as other duties at the scene of an emergency.

In accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state’s arm PEMA, Nether Providence Township has an emergency operations plan,  and individuals from the township’s departments and emergency services are ready to provide support in the event of a township-wide emergency.


Tips for choosing and using smoke alarms

Smoke Alarm Tips

How to build a Emergency Disaster kit

Click the link from FEMA for more information and printable check lists.

How to Make a Fire Escape plan

Please see this attachment for information on how to create a fire escape plan for your home. Home Fire Escape Plan

Sleepover Fire Safety for Kids

Click here for information about fire safety for kids at sleepovers.

Open Burning

Open burning for a message regarding open burning.

Cooking Safety Information

Cooking Safety

Yard waste drop-off at the Public Works Garage this Saturday, September 7th from 8am- noon. All brush and sticks must be bundled to meet the regulations of our disposal site.
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