Upcoming Bird Town-related Events

Bring Me Some Apples Longwood Community Read: Bees! Family Event

On Saturday March 11 at 1:00 pm, you’re invited to a sweet as honey beekeeping experience with 9 year beekeeper, Mark Meaders. He’ll be bringing his actual beekeeping equipment as well as sharing some fascinating info on the big screen.  Ms. Lori will be sharing a portion of the Longwood Community Read book Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie with free Longwood passes for up to 12 pre-registered families who attend.  There will be some free book giveaways as well!  Check out our pollinators display case.  Taste some honey. Color some of our Busy Bee coloring pages.  Register now for this Bee-utiful event! Bring Me Some Apples Longwood Community Read: Bees! Family Event – LibCal – Delaware County Library System

Bird-Friendly Backyards

Phil Witmer of Bird Town PA and Valley Forge Audubon Society will do a presentation about Bird-Friendly Backyards on April 15th  at the Nether Providence Township Building from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.

Yard waste Drop-off Saturday, Dec. 7 from 8 AM to noon at the Township public works garage. ..............Extreme Dry Weather By order of the Fire Marshal In addition to the No Open Burning ordinance there will be a ban on any type of burning outdoors:  Fire Pits  Outdoor Fire Place’s  Chiminea UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
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