Trash Service Provider Matter

We understand that some of the trash companies that serve the Township have been distributing multi-year service agreements to their customers.  In at least some cases, the communication received from the trash service companies note that the Township of Nether Providence is considering moving to a single provider arrangement.  That note has understandably resulted in questions from residents.  The Board of Commissioners is looking to explore whether there are benefits to having the Township assume trash pickup through the retention of a single contractor or contractors. As it has done at the end of past recycling contracts, the Township may consider soliciting bids for recycling and trash collection. However, there are still questions to sort out before any changes are made. Therefore, the Township is not making any immediate changes to the trash collection system in Nether Providence, but there is the potential for such a change in the future.

Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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