Streambank Restoration – Gouley Park

Nether Providence Township has received grant funding from the State’s Watershed Restoration and Protection Program to perform streambank restoration in Gouley Park (the former Summit School). The Township, like all municipalities in PA, is required to prepare a plan to reduce the amount of sedimentation that is going into the streams. This impacts water quality and pollution in the area. Fortunately, this grant will help offset those costs.

The Ambient Group, LLC of Williamstown, NJ was the low bidder for the project, and they will begin their work around August 30th. During that time, you will see them working with equipment and performing clearing in the stream. The current expectation is that all access to the stream will be from the Gouley Park side. They will be working only on weekdays, and they cannot begin working before 7:30 AM. The project is expected to take 3-4 weeks.

During the project, vegetation will be cleared from the stream, the streambanks will be graded and stabilized, and new trees and other vegetation will be planted. This will prevent erosion of the streambanks. The erosion of the streambanks is what leads to sedimentation getting into the streams.


Yard waste pick-up: All brush and sticks must be bundled to meet the regulations of our disposal site.
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