Planning Commission Meeting Monday August 3, 2020 7:30 PM

In an effort to practice social distancing, the Planning Commission meeting will be meeting virtually on Monday August 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM.

If you plan to make public comment:

The public can call in to make public comment, and to do so, please dial 312-626-6799 and the meeting ID: 849 2779 5666 will be Password: 841963. When calling, please make sure that you mute your speaker on your computer to avoid feedback issues. After making your public comment, please mute your phone or disconnect the call. If you have the ability to log into Zoom, please use this link:

You may also submit public comments/questions ahead of time to be read aloud by emailing [email protected]. You must include your name and address in order to have your comments/questions read.

This is a new form of technology for the meetings with the Zoom, we apologize in advance if there are any technical difficulties.

The agenda can be viewed here: Agenda Planning Commission August 3 2020

Act 537 Final Asset Plan report July 2020

The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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