Lifewerks Food Pantry located in Wallingford “Needs List”

Lifewerks Food Pantry is located on the corner of  Walnut and Blakely in Wallingford. Lifewerks started because they saw a need and had the ability to meet that need. They appreciate that so many people have asked at this time how they can help – it shows that you also are seeing needs that you can meet. Below is the link for the most needed donations along with more information. 

For monetary donation scan the QR code or visit


Make Payable and Mail to:

  Lifewerks, Inc.

7 Cedar Road, Wallingford, PA 19086


Bring Food Donations to:

28 Walnut Road ,Wallingford, PA 19086


Donation Hours: 

Mondays 11-4

Tuesdays 5-6, 6:45-8

Our by appointment – contact Joy

through the contact form.


Here are our most pressing needs, in order of priority:

Soup and broth (I could list that as the top ten.)

Kid’s cereal


Salad dressing

Health and Hygiene products

Household paper products

Cleaning products and tools

Misc. canned products we can’t get easily:

Stewed tomatoes
Blackeye peas
Baked beans
Lima beans
Tomato paste


For the pantry itself:

Plastic zip lock bags in quart and sandwich sizes

Kitchen trash bags

Printer paper, sharpies, packing tape

Cardboard boxes to carry canned food to cars

Hand sanitizer

Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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