Leaf Collection Completed

Leaf collection for 2021 has been completed. If you had your leaves out by December 13th and you believe your location was missed, please call the offices. Unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions beyond that.

Please see below for the schedule that was used in 2021:

Beginning in fall 2021, the Township will implement a scheduled leaf collection. In the past, Public Works completed leaf collection on every street approximately once every two weeks. That afforded Township employees flexibility to deal with emergency needs, weather delays, and varying leaf volume. But that process left residents guessing when their leaves would be picked up. The new schedule builds in buffers to manage disrupting factors while allowing residents to better plan their leaf clean-up and curbside disposal. The tentative 2021 leaf pickup schedule is below. Please check the website closer to the fall as the schedule could change. Please have leaves out by 7 AM on the Monday morning of your collection week. Collection will take place during that week.

Week of 10/18 – Wards 2,3,4

Week of 10/25 – Wards 1,5,6,7

Week of 11/8 – Wards 2,3,4

Week of 11/15 – Wards 1,5,6,7

Week of 11/29 – Wards 2,3,4

Week of 12/6 – Wards 1,5,6,7

Week of 12/13 – final pass through all wards (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Thank you in advance for your patience as the Township works to implement the schedule. There will be miscalculations and mistakes along the way. We will learn from them. Please thank your Public Works Department employees who brave the cold, rain, and snow to collect leaves.


Don’t know what Ward you are in click the following link to check:


The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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