Grant Awards to Nether Providence and NP Athletic Assoc.

Sapovits Park Grant – Stormwater and Water Quality Improvements

Nether Providence Township is excited to announce that it was awarded $277,000 for the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program for water quality improvements in Sapovits Park. The Township will have to provide a match of about $50,000.

This project will have three main components to it, which will reduce the volume of stormwater runoff at the headwaters of Vernon Run:

  • The creation of a large infiltration bed in the existing field
  • The installation of a rain garden at the park
  • Stream restoration, which will also help with flooding issues

Nether Providence Athletic Association Grant – Lights for Urban Field

NPAA was awarded $133,000 to install lights at Urban Field in Houston Park. As Mike Keller of NPAA baseball writes: “Installation of lights at Urban Field essentially doubles playing time for our 11 and 12 year old kids.  More practice time.  More game time.  More fun.  More competition.  We see quite a few kids drop out of baseball as they transition from minors to majors.  Maybe with lights and more playing time, we impact that in a positive direction, and have a few more kids play the great game of baseball a little bit longer.  I do believe that Nether Swarthmore Baseball offers something unique in our community – we keep our registration costs low, we are 100% volunteer run, and we provide equal access to local kids of all ages and all ability levels.  There are leagues – locally and nationally – that are moving to more of a pay-to-play model.  That is not Nether Swarthmore Baseball, and because of that, we continue to shine as a bright light in our community.  This lighting project allows us to shine a little brighter, to give the gift of baseball to more kids for a few more years.”

The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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