East Rose Valley Walkway Plans

East Rose Valley Walkway Project

The Township has received grant funding for the East Rose Valley Pedestrian Walkway Improvements Project. The work will be occurring along the northern side of East Rose Valley Road from Osborne Lane to Providence Road, and will consist primarily of path, Americans with Disability Act (ADA ramps) and drainage improvements. Traffic signal and ADA improvements will take place at the intersection of E. Rose Valley Road and Providence Road as well.

The Township’s Engineering Company has been working with PennDOT on the plans for the East Rose Valley pathway project. Unfortunately, PennDOT is requiring several last-minute changes, which will mean another design resubmission to PennDOT. Since it is a State funded project on a State Road, the Township has to comply with PennDOT’s review comments. This is frustrating as it will push the construction’s start date into early 2022. We especially appreciate your patience.

The recently submitted plans can be found here: View Plans

The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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