East Possum Hollow Sidewalk Project – Spring 2022 Start

Update – November 8, 2021:

The construction of the East Possum Hollow sidewalk project was slated to begin in mid-October. However, the contractor for the project, Road-Con, decided at the last minute to move the project to the spring. Unfortunately, their contract with PennDOT allows them to do so, as long as the project is completed before June 30th. The Township challenged Road-Con several times on this decision as the information about the project’s timing had been widely disseminated, but at this point in the season, we have not been successful in that challenge. As such, we will begin planning for their spring start date, which is now estimated for mid-March.

The Township will be installing a PennDOT-funded sidewalk on the train-track side of East Possum Hollow Road from Providence Road (Rte. 252) to the Wallingford Train Station.  This is a PennDOT-funded project through their Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program, which is meant to improve access to mass transit. During the project, East Possum Hollow Road will be one-way. Traffic will only be able to travel eastbound from Providence Road towards the train station/Kershaw Road. Traffic on Kershaw will be forced to turn right onto East Possum Hollow Road. We know this detour will be an inconvenience, but there will be many long-term benefits to safety and accessibility.

View the plans

The yard waste drop-off station at the Public Works Garage is open. Monday & Tuesday 8 am-2 pm at 5 W. Brookhaven Rd. Avondale Rd. Yard waste drop-off is now CLOSED
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