Curbside leaf collection schedule 2024.

Curbside leaf collection schedule 2024.
–Please keep your leaves at the curb but NOT in the street. Leaves in the street can cause safety issues as cars will swerve around piles into oncoming traffic, the leaves can create slippery conditions, and the leaves will wash into the storm drains and create blockages.
–Please do not bag the leaves. They are sucked up by a leaf vacuum, so the bagging is not necessary.
–No other yard waste, besides leaves, should be included in the piles. This will cause problems for the machines. The non-leaf yard waste is mulched at the Township’s leaf-site, whereas the yard waste is taken off-site. For that reason, yard waste and leaves cannot be co-mingled.
–Please do not park vehicles in front of the leaf piles as the workers will be unable to collect them. They will not be able to return until the following week to collect them if something is blocking the pile.

Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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