Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Wards and Code Enforcement
Who are my Commissioners and what do they do?
There are seven commissioners in the Township, and each represents a ward. The Commissioners have the decision-making authority in the Township. They set policy and direction for the administration, Public Works, and Police Department to follow. The Township and the commissioners must work within the constraints of county, state, and federal regulations.
Where are the 7 wards?
Please see the map showing the wards.
What does code enforcement cover?
The Township’s Code Enforcement Officer makes sure that properties are in compliance with the Township’s ordinances. Examples of code enforcement issues are trash/debris in yards, overgrowth of grass, hazard trees, dumpsters, and people doing work without permits. The Code Enforcement Officer will give an offender a reasonable amount of time (depending on the issue) to correct the problem. If no corrections are made, citations can be issued.
How are Code Enforcement issues discovered?
Often times, a code violation is brought up by a neighbor. The Code Enforcement Officer will inspect the complaint, and if the officer feels action is needed, the officer will send a letter saying what corrective action is needed. The officer will also see violations on his/her own and will follow the same procedure as above.
What type of work requires permits?
Generally, a building permit is needed if any structural work is taking place, such as a wall being removed or constructed. New housing, additions, and demolitions all require building permits. Nearly all plumbing and electrical work require permits. Shed installation requires a zoning permit. The permits process is necessary to ensure the safety of the work being performed. The permit fees cover the cost of the inspectors and the administrative time processing the permits.
What is zoning vs. code enforcement?
Zoning regulates land use in the Township, including setting restrictions on size, height, distance from property lines of structures, and land coverage, to name a few. The Zoning Code serves as an “instrument for guiding and regulating the orderly growth, development and redevelopment of the township.” Code Enforcement is simply making sure that the property owners are in compliance with municipal ordinances and laws, except for police matters.
Public Works Department Questions
We need a stop sign at a certain location. How can that be installed?
If the stop sign is on a state road (Wallingford Avenue, Baltimore Pike, Providence Road, Manchester Road, Turner Road, Brookhaven, Rogers, Rose Valley, Waterville), PennDOT must approve the stop sign. It needs to meet certain warrants, including traffic volume and site distance. If the request is on a Township road, a similar analysis is performed by the Township.
My road needs to be repaved. How can I make that happen?
First, speak with your Commissioner. Road resurfacing projects are selected on an annual basis and the list of streets being repaved must be approved by a majority of the Board. Second, some minor repairs can be made to the road by our Township crews, and those repairs do not always need full Board approval.
Each year, the roads in the Township are evaluated by the Township Engineer, with input from the Public Works Department, Administration, and Commissioners. The Board will then do as much repaving as possible within the constraints of the budget.
Why does it seem my area is the last area to be plowed?
Plowing cannot begin until there are at least 2” of snow, to prevent damage to the roads and the plows. Once the area is plowed, the driver will plow other areas, and then return as necessary. This is the same procedure as the other wards. It can take up to 6 hours to finish a full round of streets.
Why do I always get plowed in?
Please understand that plow drivers never intentionally “plow anyone in.” The plows have to push the snow to the side of the road to create safe travel lanes. Additionally, it would be simply infeasible for the plows to be lifted up at each driveway in the Township. Therefore, we recommend shoveling the end of your driveway after the plows have completed their routes. The plows will make at least two passes on each public road.
Why does the Township require permits for usage of parks?
Groups of 25 or more people must obtain a park permit or they risk being asked to leave. The main reason is so that the Township can hold someone accountable for damage to the park. This is also why insurance certificates are required for most events.
Are fireworks permitted in parks?
Fireworks are not permitted anywhere in the Township, including in parks, unless written permission has been provided from the Township Fire Marshal. A permit application must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the fireworks event, along with the proper insurance. The insurance element is most critical. State law also prohibits setting off fireworks within 150’ of any building.
Can we drive a vehicle into the park just to unload some stuff for an event?
Only with permission from the Township. In the past, vehicles have caused thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to the park.
What if I have a police issue but it isn’t an emergency. Can I still call 911?
Yes, anytime you need to speak with an officer, even if it is not an emergency, it is acceptable to call 911. Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, you may call the Police Administration at 610-892-2875. If someone is unavailable, please dial 911 for assistance.
I see people running stop signs and speeding. What can be done?
Call the police or Township. The Police Department will step up enforcement in the area with our dedicated Traffic Safety Officer.