Checks from Nether Providence – Fraudulent Activity

The Township was notified on November 20th that there was fraudulent activity on the Township’s checking account, through no fault of the Township. The incident was related to a check that was intercepted and deposited into a fraudulent account. There is no concern about the disclosure of any personal or financial information, and the Township’s bank was able to recover the funds. TD Bank has placed a hold on the account as a safety precaution. Detective Sergeant Erickson is investigating the incident.

TD Bank’s fraud department has a listing of all outstanding (uncashed) checks, and they will monitor this list as checks are presented for payment. However, some checks may still be rejected. If this happens to one of your checks, please contact Dave Grady [email protected] and let us know the amount of the check and any banking fees that you have incurred. You will be reimbursed for those fees. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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