Census Day Is Here! April 1st!

Today, April 1, is Census Day! To mark the occasion, we’re asking for your support on social media.

As a reminder, Census Day is a key reference date for the 2020 Census that is observed nationwide, but Census Day is not like Election Day — respondents can still respond after Wednesday, April 1st. In fact, if a household hasn’t responded yet online, they’ll get a paper form in the mail starting next week.

  • It has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online, over the phone or by mail–all without having to meet a census taker.
  • Respond now, and encourage others to respond.
  • Respond where you usually live as of April 1 – and include everyone who usually lives with you.

The census is important to your community, and your response matters.

Thank you for your continued support of the 2020 Census.

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