Aqua Work

Information from Aqua regarding work in the 1st and 2nd Wards:

I am writing to you to provide details regarding Aqua Pennsylvania’s upcoming construction work that is scheduled in your neighborhood or place of business. Before I do, on behalf of Aqua, I want you to know that we hope you and your family are faring well during this COVID-19 pandemic. During this time of uncertainty, please know the water Aqua Pennsylvania delivers to your home or business remains compliant, meeting or outperforming all standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shined a greater light on the importance of access to safe drinking water and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has identified Aqua as part of the lifeĀ­ sustaining business sector that contributes to the health and safety of Pennsylvania. Our ability to continue the uninterrupted delivery of safe drinking water to your homes and businesses is dependent on our ability to continue the necessary replacement of aging water mains.

The week of September 12, 2022, Aqua Pennsylvania will begin the replacement of 3,150 feet of aging 6-and 8-inch water mains with new 8-inch ductile iron water mains on Palmers Lane between Copples Lane and Osborne Lane, Osborne Lane and Hawthorne Road between Palmers Lane and East Rose Valley Road in Nether Providence Township.

The $890,000 project is part of our continuing infrastructure improvement program that replaced more than 41 miles of aging main in Delaware County in 2021 to improve service reliability for customers. The new water main will reduce the potential for main breaks, discolored water and improve water flow in the area.

Construction will generally take place weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. During times of construction access will be provided for emergency, mail and trash service.

Residents will have access to their properties, but at times will need to enter from different directions due to changing work zones. Following installation, the new main will be flushed, chlorinated and tested for water quality before being placed into service. During the chlorination/testing phase, activity on the job site will be limited. Once the water quality testing has been completed, we will transfer each water service and fire hydrant to the new main. When all final connections are made to mains on side streets, the old main will abandoned. It is important to note the trench will be covered with temporary blacktop at the end of each workday.

We will notify customers ahead of any planned water service interruptions and will provide 48 hours advance notice for any scheduled interruption greater than 30 minutes. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 crisis and will change our practices when required. Aqua will have an inspector on the job each day to answer your questions.

If it is determined that an Aqua-owned lead service line feeds your property, Aqua will replace it during the project. If you own a lead service line, we encourage you to replace it as soon as possible. Aqua will provide you with instructions for flushing your plumbing and will contact you within 1-2 business days to arrange for water testing if a lead service line is encountered.

Our employees and contractors have implemented the social distancing and hygiene practices encouraged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies. Should you encounter our crews and other employees, please maintain social distancing for your own safety as well as that of our crews. The work we are continuing is recognized as critical and our employees throughout the state are working 24/7 to answer your calls, respond to emergencies and maintain uninterrupted water service.

Apart from the specific project details described here, you may refer to the accompanying door hanger for more information on what to expect as we begin our construction project in your neighborhood.

In addition to reaching our customer service staff and emergency dispatcher at the number listed on the doorhanger accompanying this letter, you may also call me with any questions regarding the project at 610.328.7713.

We appreciate your support and wish you good health.

Yard waste pick-up: All brush and sticks must be bundled to meet the regulations of our disposal site.
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