310 Wallingford Avenue – Progressive New Homes, LLC

Update: February 2020

The Plans for the Vernon Walk Subdivision went before the Township’s Planning Commission on February 3rd. The Planning Commission recommended the plan’s approval, with several conditions. Once the minutes of the meeting have been prepared, those conditions will be published here.

The next step is for the plans to go before the Board of Commissioners for final approval. The Board will consider the plans at their meeting on February 13th.

The plans can be found here: Final Plans – Vernon Walk 310 Wallingford Ave


Update: January 2020

On December 19, 2019, the Board of Commissioners voted to approve the Preliminary Subdivision & Land development Plans for Vernon Walk” consisting of 12 sheets dated September 23, 2019, last revised 11/13/2019 prepared by Commonwealth Engineers. Inc. [their Drawling No. 201880-1(c)], Preliminary Conditional Subdivision/Land development Approval subject to Final Plans addressing the following:

  1. Compliance with the December 2, 2019 comments of the Township Engineer.
  2. Compliance with the December 2, 2019 comments of the Township Planning Commission.
  3. Compliance with the December 2, 2019 comments of the Township Fire Marshal recognizing the Preliminary Plans do not contain a cul-de-sac.
  4. Compliance with the October 30, 2019 recommendations of the Township Shade Tree Committee.
  5. Receipt of a PA DOT Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) for the new entrance road as well as any utility installations.
  6. Receipt of a NPDES permit and DCCD (Delaware County Conservation District) approval.
  7. Compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations.
  8. The Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan from CEI dated September 23, 2019, last revised November 18, 2019 remains subject to the approval of the Township Engineer, and shall be further amended to satisfactorily address the concerns of the Township Engineer as provided for under Section 301 R. of the Township Stormwater Management Ordinance No. 768.
  9. Section 306 C. of the Stormwater Management regulations requires a 150 ft riparian buffer on each side of a stream but the approved plan allows for a reduction to 50 ft per recommendation of the Engineer with consideration to supplement the buffer area with the native plantings shown on the landscape plan dated November 18, 2019.
  10. The applicant shall accept the conditions of approval

In granting this approval, the following waivers were granted:

  • Section 289-7.C.(1) – to allow paved width of Anderson Street to remain
  • Section 289-20(D)(1) – to allow Shade Tree Commission tree calculation to determine the number of trees to be installed
  • Section 289-20(C)(4)(a) – to permit 2” caliper trees per Shade Tree Commission
  • Section 289-20(D)(5)(a)(2)[1] – to allow for substitution of shrubs for trees per Shade Tree Commission
  • Section 289-7C.(3) – to eliminate the cul-de-sac on an accessway
  • Section 289-7 D.(8) – to allow elimination of depressed driveway curbs
  • Section 289-7E.(4)(b) – to allow greater than 3% slope on 50 feet each side of intersection

Section 289-20.C.(3) – to allow some street trees placed outside of right-of-way

The next steps are for a final plan to go before the Planning Commission.


Update – November 2019

The Nether Providence Township Planning Commission will be reviewing the preliminary plan for the 310 Wallingford Avenue tract on November 4th at 7:30 PM at the Township Building. The Planning Commission, which is advisory in nature, will make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners as to whether or not the preliminary plan should be approved. If the Planning Commission does not make a recommendation on November 4th, they would do so on December 2nd. The Board of Commissioners has until January 6th to vote to move the plan into the “Final Plan” stage, which would then go back to the Planning Commission for a final review.

View Plan


Update – August 15, 2019

The Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Commissioners initiate the process to rezone the 310 Wallingford Avenue site from R-3 to R-5. The plans that were proposed by Progressive New Homes and reviewed by the Planning Commission illustrated what the development of the site would look like if it is rezoned to R-5.  That submittal was just a sketch plan, so it wasn’t the project itself that was recommended for approval. The Planning Commission’s recommendation will be given to the Board of Commissioners for discussion at their August 22nd meeting. Since the Planning Commission is advisory in nature, the Board of Commissioners will have the final say over the site’s zoning. If they vote to proceed with rezoning the site, public hearings will be held and an ordinance will need to be considered before the rezoning can legally take effect. If the Board votes against rezoning, then Progressive New Homes would likely proceed with the R-3 plan that received preliminary approval back in March.


The Board of Commissioners voted 5-2 at the June 27th Board meeting to send Concept C to the Township’s Planning Commission for review and comment. The Planning Commission will discuss this concept plan at their August 5th meeting. The Planning Commission is advisory and will provide their feedback on the plan’s compliance with the Township’s zoning and subdivision and land development codes, as well as other issues, such as stormwater management, parking, etc. The Planning Commission’s review comments will then be considered by the Board of Commissioners who will have the final say on whether or not the property is rezoned to the denser R-5 zoning.


Update as of June 26, 2019

The Board of Commissioners will review the plans at their meeting on June 27th at 7:30 PM, and make a decision on whether or not to send the plans to the Planning Commission for their review.

There are two variations of the plan. Concept B has no formal lot lines, and Concept C has formal lot lines (3,000 sq ft per unit). There is debate over the interpretation of the R-5 zoning lot lines/sizes, so that is the reason for the two plan options. All plans and information shown in the links below have been prepared by the developer.

Concept B

Concept C

Developer’s Presentation


Update as of May 24, 2019:

The Board of Commissioners did not make a decision as to whether or not the developer’s plan will be seen by the Planning Commission. They will discuss the new plan at the June 27th meeting, at 7:30 PM at the Township Building. The plan can be found here: 310 Wallingford Ave 5.23.19 plan


Update as of May 13, 2019:

The Board of Commissioners discussed the 310 Wallingford Avenue subdivision at their May 9th Board meeting. The Board communicated to the developer that the plans would need to be revised to meet R-5 zoning and to address some of the concerns brought up by the Planning Commission. If an R5-compliant plan is prepared, the Board of Commissioners may ask the Planning Commission to review the plan.


Update as of May 7, 2019:

At the Planning Commission meeting on May 6th, the Planning Commission Board voted not to recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the rezoning. The Planning Commission is purely advisory, and their recommendation will go to the Board of Commissioners, who may decide to follow the recommendation or they could choose a different course of action. The next Board meeting for the Commissioners is on May 9th at 7:30 PM. As they are under no timeline, they may or may not make a decision on the 9th.


Update as of April 26, 2019:

At the Board of Commissioners meeting on April 25th, the Board voted to send the R-5 sketch plan to the Township and County Planning Commissions for their consideration. This does not necessarily mean that the land will be re-zoned. It will simply mean that the Planning Commissions will review the plans, and then decide to recommend or not recommend the change in zoning. And it is only a recommendation – the Board of Commissioners would make the final decision, which may or may not follow the Planning Commission recommendations. This plan will be considered at the May 6th Planning Commission Meeting.


On Thursday March 28th, the Board of Commissioners approved a 10 lot subdivision at the 310 Wallingford Avenue property. This subdivision is permitted by-right under the current zoning.

Plans are available at the Township Building for public viewing. Please see the attachments for comments from the County Planning Commission, the Township’s Planning Commission (both PCs are advisory in nature), the Township Engineer, and the Township’s Shade Tree Committee.

Comments for 310 Wallingford Avenue Progressive New Homes

Approved R-3 Site Plan – R-3 zoning.

At the March 14th meeting, the site developer was present for questions from the Board of Commissioners. The developer has asked about the possibility of rezoning the property. The Board agreed to give the developer 60 days to present a sketch plan for the property under an R-5 zoning arrangement, which allows for denser zoning than the current R-3 zoning. The developer will be presenting a plan at the April 11th meeting. The Board will not vote to approve or disapprove a zoning change at this time. The presented plan will be for consideration and informational purposes only.

310 Wallingford Ave R-5 sketch plan


Christmas Tree Pickup will run from now until the end of January. Please remove all decorations and place at your curb.
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