Sidewalk / Walkway Committee

The Sidewalk Committee prepares sidewalk plan and makes recommendations on prioritizing where to install sidewalks; helps on grant applications.  The Sidewalk Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month on an as needed basis. This committee is not currently active.

Sidewalk/Walkway Committee Members Term Expires
Kaitlin Gurney 31-Dec-21
Michael J. Cleary 31-Dec-21
Anna Lynn Smith 31-Dec-20
Kathy Adamson 31-Dec-21
Paul Fritz 31-Dec-20

Additional Information:

Walkable Wallingford Report: Walkable Wallingford

This report was created by a Committee of Volunteers, in conjunction with the Township Board of Commissioners and Police Department, to determine areas of critical importance for walkability and safety.

Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan: Nether Providence Township Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

This Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is a product of the graduate Planning Studio in Temple University’s City and Regional Planning program (Temple). The work spans the spring 2016 semester, beginning January 11 through May 4. Having experienced the benefits of walkable and bikeable communities in the past and recognizing the potential for Federal, state, and county grants to improve residents’ quality of life, one of the Temple team members approached Nether Providence officials about the feasibility of producing this plan. They were very supportive of the idea, as the Township’s Sidewalk Committee is presently developing a Traffic Calming Matrix and various sidewalk projects have either recently been completed or are in development. Following their suggestion, this plan became a senior year project. As an aid to promoting alternatives to auto travel, the Nether Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan identifies opportunities for connectivity between the neighborhoods, destinations, transit and existing trails. The Township thanks Mike King, Randall Rook, Steven Schrayer, and the Temple Department of Planning and Community Development for their creation of this report

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